Resultados: 7

Evaluation of prenatal care in low risk pregnancies in the city of Francisco Morato-SP

A descriptive exploratory study whose aim was to verify the quality of low-risk prenatal assistance in the city of Francisco Morato, based on indicators. The analysis observed the triad proposed by Donabedian9, (structure, process and outcome). Seventy-seven (77) puerperae were interviewed, the registrie...

Saúde bucal de gestantes de uma comunidade carente do município de São Paulo: problemas percebidos e acesso a tratamento

An exploratory descriptive study whose purpose was to verify oral health problems perceived by low-income pregnant women in a community of a São Paulo municipality, as well as their access to treatment during pregnancy. The sample consisted of 169 women who participated in the pregnant women´s group in...

Diagnósticos de enfermagem identificados em mulheres em situação de rua

An exploratory descriptive study with a quantitative approach whose objective were: to identify the nurses' diagnoses in homeless women, using the domains and classes of the NANDA Taxonomy II as its basic structure. The sample was composed of forty homeless women, who attend philanthropic institutions in...

Amamentação: auxiliando as mães no domicílio, após a alta hospitalar

The problems mother face during breastfeeding may lend to early weaning. The period after discharging from hospital is critical, since woman not always find support and orientation to successfully overcome this phase. The purpose of this descriptive, exploratory study was to identify the difficulties mot...

Registro de imunização antitetânica em documentos de mães de uma comunidade carente do Município de São Paulo

Before the confirmation that, there is as much lack of knowledge among women about the importance of anti-tetanic vaccination during the gestation period, as deficiency in data about this immunization, it was decided to elaborate a research in order to verify and analyze the records of anti-tetanic immun...

Qualidade de Vida: considerações sobre conceito e instrumentos de medida

O conceito de qualidade de vida tem merecido atenção cada vez maior na literatura científica em várias áreas do conhecimento e em especial na enfermagem.Trata-se de um conceito com uma gama variada de significados, com diversas possibilidades de enfoque e inúmeras controvérsias teórico-metodológ...